Friday, May 25, 2018

Oh my darlin', Oh my darlin', Oh my darlin', Clematis

Purple Clematis
These flowers were growing on a make-shift trellis when we first moved into our house. I think they're very pretty but I had no clue what they were until I began this adventure. This is one of the over 300 species of clematis. It's either a Jackmanii, Rhapsody, or julkas variety. I'll just accept not knowing for sure and enjoying it's violet beauty. Hoping they attract butterflies during the appropriate season.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Plain plantain grows mainly on the plain

I was exceptionally excited to find that this weed is actually useful and edible! Among uses are treatment for bug bites and poison ivy/sumac/oak. Very quick and handy plant to have growing right next to the driveway. This plant can also be found growing between sidewalk cracks. They say it's best to just pick the mature leaves for uses other than salads and it's a plant that will continually grow new leaves.

How to use Plantain

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

To the backyard

This little bugger was found growing near the corner of the house/yard.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Pretty Little Flowers

Due to inclement weather, I haven't gotten outside to do anything significant. I dug up a few weeds from the edge of the lemon balm patch and looked more into the prickly weeds on the side of the garage (those are going to be a pain to remove from what I've read). And I've also seen that the ivy has returned so that will have to be pulled out as well. At this juncture it looks like I'll be totally tearing up and replanting on that side of the house. On a lighter note, I've identified a flower growing on the front/West side of the house. Thanks to another blog:
Prickly Weed

Monday, May 21, 2018

That creep Charlie

Creeping Charlie
Among the various vegetation growing in the yard is this lovely little fella with adorable purple blooms. Little did I know that it was all an insidious front to choke the life out of the lushness of grass wherever it spreads it's darling roots. 😕😱 It's name is 'creeping Charlie' according to my investigations. While it's a lovely ground cover (read: weed) under shady trees, it's also a multiplying nightmare when it has a suitable growing environment (aka, my front lawn). Hopefully, I can find a way to subdue this foe without damaging the wild strawberry patch growing nearby. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

First discoveries

Lemon Balm

I began my investigations into what is growing in our yard when a large section of the backyard was teeming with one particular plant. I hadn't noticed it before as the dog pen was set up in the area where this plant was now flourishing. Since the dog pen was moved, the plants now had a more suitable environment in which to grow. The area had not been mowed in a while so the greenery was allowed to run it's course. To my pleasant surprise, it's a useful herb that is happily abundant! Lemon balm! A member of the mint family, this gorgeous patch of green is a natural mosquito repellent and can be brewed into tea or used as a seasoning. What awesome luck! And, bonus, I didn't have to plant it myself.😁🍀

For ideas on uses:

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Return to the land of Blog

I've decided to start documenting my discoveries, adventures, art, and thoughts in blog form again. Thank you for joining me on my journey. Whether you are family, friends, or stumbled upon this randomly, I appreciate you taking the time to read and follow along. I wanted to collect my musings in a more organized fashion than other social media formats had to offer. While most are great for keeping up with loved ones regularly with short quips and photos, this is more of an artistic outlet and diary of sorts. A way to gather information in one location on various topics of interest. I'll be documenting my gardening triumphs and tribulations along with the helpful sources I've found for later reference, talk about various tips and tricks I've concocted for an array of tasks, and, hopefully, I'll post some of my art pieces and photographs in conjunction with their inspiration. So won't you join me in my never-ending story in the place I want to call my Wunder-land.